Over the last decade, Matrix Reimpinting has had a huge effect on my life, from dissolving drug and sugar addictions, hay fever, extra weight, a cat phobia, and ultimately showing me the beliefs I hold about myself are changeable.
This technique gave me the courage to leave a well-paid corporate job and write for a living, eventually becoming a best-selling Hay House author and creating a business that nurtures other people’s creativity while supporting my busy family life.
However, the inner work is ‘never done.’
Only this morning I reached out to a member of the EFTMRA community with a request for a swap session. The community is one of the most important things about the EFTMRA.
I have never felt alone in my journey; there have been swap groups, meet ups, supervision days, Facebook hubs and a pool of practitioners willing to help whether it be for a cricked neck or to release a moment of deep trauma.
As I’ve grown with the EFTMRA, I’ve realised that one of my life purposes is to deepen this sense of community in both the EFTMRA and beyond. Having worked from home for eleven years, I often crave that sense of community beyond the computer screen. That connection with other like-minded souls. Many practitioners work alone and can also feel this isolation, which is one reason why the Matrix Collective has proved to be so popular.
What is the Matrix Collective Consciousness (MCC)?
It all started at the Matrix Reimprinting convention in 2015, where Karl Dawson gave a heart-felt and insightful talk about his own belief bombs and also how we can interact with others in the Matrix – in essence, that it was a gateway into a quantum reality where change can be affected. After working closely with Karl when we wrote Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life, I knew that this was an area he wanted to explore further.
He asked us to think of a powerful memory, a powerful place and a person or guide that we may want to invite in to help. My personal ones were giving birth to my eldest son, a Balinese waterfall and white light. I felt prepared with these strong anchors. Together we met in the Matrix and let our emotions arise about how we felt about the Syrian crisis.
As an empath (someone who tunes into other people’s emotions easily), I could feel the collective pain as we sank into the abyss of these feelings. With EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, we need to face the hardness of our emotions so that we can release and move through them.
After we had tapped for a while, Karl then encouraged us to visualize the images where healing was taken place and to picture everyone connected to their higher selves. I opened my eyes to look at people and saw such a state of bliss on their faces. Those feelings after you have an important shift.
That moment that you realise we are all connected together on this earth, that we are all made of light.
There is something so magical, important and reassuring about doing group work.
After the session had ended, people spoke about their experiences. We hugged the people sitting next to us. There was an extremely high vibration in the room. It felt as if we had gone beyond simply tapping on our fears and sadness about the traumas in Syria and actually affected some change.
There is a lot of documented evidence about the impact of group meditation, healing and prayer. Lynne McTaggart writes about it in The Intention Experiment and the Institution of Heart Math are constantly pushing boundaries with their scientific experiments on the power of the heart.
When we bring in the concept of morphic fields from the important work by Rupert Sheldrake, which is that our world is organized in fields of behavior, rich in data yet invisible to the human eye, the work we are doing in the Matrix takes on another dimension. As discussed in our book, Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life, there is the universal field – the matrix where all the data is stored – and then the cultural, family, human and personal fields. The more often a field is repeated, the stronger or denser it becomes. We tune in to the fields with which we resonate, and these fields are layered and connected.
Imagine a huge cauldron holding all the fear of the world – it’s huge. When we release our own fears by doing this work in the matrix, we are no longer adding fuel to that toxic cauldron. We move into a non-triggered, empowered state. We no longer feel powerless, we are not paralysed by fear, and we are stronger in our loving actions to help move the world forward. Whether that is going on a women’s march, writing a letter to a politician, offering sessions to those in need, or donating money. When we are not triggered and can face the atrocities in the world, look them in the eye and say ‘Enough!’ without being overwhelmed by emotion – it can galvanise us into action and into calm debate with those we want to persuade and encourage into our point of view.
“When a certain number of people come together and they choose at a moment in time to create a precise emotion in their hearts, that emotion literally can intentionally influence the very fields that sustain the life on planet earth.”
Gregg Braden
A few months after the conference, there was a terror attack in Paris that left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded from gunmen and suicide bombers. It was the first one of what followed on to be a wave over the next few years of suicide bombers and vehicles being used as weapons killing many people in Europe’s cities.
Paris is a spiritual home for me and, like many others, I was distraught by the sights of terror haunting it. I felt powerless, vulnerable and drowning in a sea of grief after this attack. It felt like the separation between people was growing and in that chasm, hate talk was springing up. At the time, Brexit hadn’t happened but there was an anti-refugee sentiment growing in the UK Press as well as the rise of Trump across the Atlantic.
I spoke to Karl about holding an online group matrix session to help people process their feelings, to meet in the matrix, dissolve some of that collective fear and take back some control so that we felt able to move forward and help in a positive, non-triggered and purposeful way.
Karl, being the genuine teacher he is, told me that it was my job to take it forward. Honestly, I was terrified at the prospect and had to have several tapping sessions to help me feel confident enough to hold the space.
Luckily, Matrix trainer, Ted Wilmont stepped in and we held the first online session together and had over 600 people tapping and clearing their pain about the terrors happening in the world.
Due to the positive outcome – the beautiful words people expressed after this session, – I knew I had to step up and run them again, refining the technique and holding the space for people who want change for themselves and the world.
I created the Matrix Collective Consciousness programme where we could meet and tap together on themes that affected us and, importantly, raise money for a tapping charity to affect change in the quantum reality and this one. I strongly believe that sending ‘love and light’ is not enough. That you have to take empowered action as well, and in the case of our programme, I designed it so that it enabled action with our money as much as action in the matrix.
300 people signed up for 2016 and we joined together for many transformative sessions. We met for healing on Mother Earth, Birth, Financial Fears, Helping Teenagers, The field of Separation, Connecting Everyone to their Higher Selves, Building Inner Strength, and Helping the Homeless. We had talks from EFT experts like Brad Yates, Alina Frank, Jacqui Crooks and Karl Dawson himself. We also raised over £800 for the Tappy Twins charity, which is dedicated to helping children manage their stress and anxiety levels.
Here are some of the comments:
“Really felt the energy of everyone else joining in… also did a lot of yawning and energy release with colours on the emotions I felt towards what has been happening and then when we reimprinted my heart began to truly warm up and the words acceptance of our individual uniqueness with unconditional love is a place where fear cannot reside. now feeling very peaceful and grateful to you guys for putting this event together”
Denny Ellis
“Never before have I felt the connection between all of humankind. Then saw the beautiful image of people holding hands all around the world and smiling and talking to each other. Real healing, forgiveness and love.”
Anya Berry
“After releasing sadness, injustice and anger, I experienced a beautiful feeling of all animals and humans connected in peaceful soft pink light” Anne France-Lecat
“VERY emotional experience for me. Could feel all the emotion around this and the power of all of us doing this healing together. Wow!”
Beverley Connell
In 2017, the Matrix Collective Consciousness became more focused on the MCC sessions rather than talks by experts, which means more time in the matrix together. I have also been running a training programme so that members can learn the practical skills and increase their confidence in order to run their own online webinars and be part of the MCC in 2018.
We have a core tribe of women who check in twice a month for sessions as diverse as Women, Self-care, Africa, the Mother relationship and we also focus on individual members of our community whom we can help, for example those who are facing surgery or who are having troubles with their children.
The Matrix Collective has grown into a loving community, where we can meet in the matrix and empower ourselves in these turbulent times. It has become a gateway and a meeting place for us to process and help each other.
We are not afraid to look at the fears we have, the sadness we feel, the powerlessness that overwhelms us, because it is only by facing these emotions, that we can move through them. So that we are not in fight or flight mode, but so that we can talk with clarity about how we feel instead.
No one was ever convinced to change his or her views by being shouted at.
But when asked questions by someone who cares, by someone who isn’t triggered but who simply wants to understand, that opens a whole new dialogue between humans. It empowers people to have these conversations from a place of love and connection.
When in an MCC session you may also open up and receive guidance about the action you could take whether working with a personal or a global trauma.
These are some effects of the MCC.
Who knows how we are affecting change on a global level by reducing that cauldron of collective fear? We are raising awareness on issues that matter, donating money to charities and taking loving actions to create a better world for the benefit of all.
“When we know and revere the wholeness of life, we can stay alert and steady. We know there is no individual salvation. We join hands to find the ways the world self-heals.”
Coming Back to Life, Joanna Macy & Molly Brown
If you would like to be part of the Matrix Collective Consciousness or listen to a past session please go to katemarillat.com for more information.
This essay first appeared in the Romanian book, Emotii sub lupa – Cum sa iti transformi emotiile pentru a avea succes in cariera si in afaceri”, “Emotions under the magnifying glass – How to transform your emotions to be successful in career and business (approximate translation).
The author, Nicoleta Nistor is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and the title also includes an interview with Karl Dawson about Matrix Reimprinting, another interview with Sharon King about Matrix Birth Reimprinting as well as this essay.
The book is published in November 2017 and is currently only avaliable in Romanian and can be ordered online on Nicoleta’s website, http://www.nicoletanistor.ro/lansare-carte/.
In 2018 the book will also be translated into English.